Useful Resources
Planned Giving
Trinity's Planned Giving Team has made several resources available that can help you organize your records and your desires for your end of life situation. Using these resources can be a very great help to your loved ones. The Team encourages you to prepare your records and state your desires as soon as practical, whatever your situation.

Personal and Memorial Garden Information
Click here for a copy of Trinity's Important Personal and Memorial Garden Information. This document will provide important information to the Pastor and church office and will permit you to arrange in advance for interment in the memorial garden if desired.
Personal Record Book
Click here for a copy of the Personal Record Book. This document will help you organize your records for yourself and loved ones. Getting organized is a very good idea at any time but you surely do not want your family to have to hunt for all the information they need at a time of potential grief.
Estate Planning Guide
Click here for a copy of a guide to personal estate planning. This document will guide you in organizing and managing your assets.
Planned Giving and Memorial Gifts Ministry
Click here for a copy of Trinity's Planned Giving and Memorial Gifts Ministry Guidelines. This Ministry is part of the Stewardship & Finance Leadership Team.
Five Wishes
Another resource is the "Five Wishes", a living will that talks about your personal needs, as well as your medical wishes. Click here to go their website to see both the Five Wishes document and the choices for completing it.
Please contact the church office if you would like printed copies of any of the above mentioned resources. Phone: 302-475-5495; email: