Prospective Members

Please join us for worship on Sunday at 9:30 and stay for Fellowship immediately following. Join us on Livestream to view our most recent service.
Trinity's nursery provides a peaceful, safe, warm and loving environment where infants up to age 3 can have their needs met through ministry, song, play, and care.
Click here to view Trinity's Mission and Vision Statement along with some other important information. For more information contact Trinity's office between 8:30-2:30
Sunday Worship begins at 9:30am
Nursery care is available for infants up to age 3.
Children's Church, (ages 4 to 5th grade) is provided during worship.
Church School classes* are held after worship for young adults up to 12th grade from 10:30am - 11:05am.
Music Enrichment* for ages 3 to 5th grade is held each Sunday from 11:05am - 11:40am
*schedule may be adjusted for church wide activities